Saturday, July 27, 2024
by Mark

Hey there, fellow explorers!

You might’ve noticed that some links on Getting Down Under lead to the great unknown rather than the Aussie resources you hoped for.

Here’s the scoop:

Since our launch back in 2006, we’ve been busy adding, updating, and sometimes removing content. Our aim has always been to keep our site as useful and streamlined as possible. Just like a good spring clean, we’re clearing out the cobwebs and making room for more of the good stuff.

Some resources have been crowd-pleasers, getting lots of traffic and positive feedback. Others, not so much. So, we’re doing a bit of a tidy-up!

However, we know that one person’s ‘meh’ is another’s treasure. If you’ve clicked on a link that now leads to nowhere, we’re truly sorry for the inconvenience.

Here’s how you can help us help you

Leave a comment below with what you hope to find. Whether it’s specific advice, a service, or a product related to living and working in Australia, let us know!

We’re all ears and ready to bring back content that you genuinely miss, especially if there’s a strong demand for it. So, don’t be shy—give us a shout in the comments!

Thank you in advance and sorry again!


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Launched in early 2006, Getting Down Under has since evolved into one of the largest and most respected Australian migration websites on the internet, providing valuable resources and insights for aspiring migrants looking to move to Australia.

Australia Migration Advice
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